The interpersonal skills specialist
What We Do
We develop people. We work with individuals to become better, more confident versions of themselves and provide simple, proven frameworks for lasting results. Ultimately we're about making you more productive in every aspect of your life.
We work with a large variety of individuals and organisations. We have helped CEOs develop specific emotional competencies to improve their leadership; turned low performing, high conflict teams into productive, high performance cohesive units; helped Graduates improve their handshake and helped school leavers understand what drives them.
We aim to deliver simple and effective messages, tailored to your needs all scientifically backed.
We would love to dicuss your individual or business needs to establish exactly what we could do for you and how we would do it. Otherwise we have a core set of tutorials that we run periodically listed below. All tutorials can also be delivered in house. Contact us for more details.
Our Core Tutotrials
Emotional Intelligence & Conflict Resolution
Building Optimism
Advanced Interpersonal Skills
Building Resilience
Developing Emotional Intelligence
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Communicating with Diplomacy, Tact & Credibility
Psychologically Vaccinating Children Against Depression
School Leavers Development Programme
Team Building with MBTI
Recommended Reading
Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman
Counter Clockwise by Ellen Langer
Mindset by Carole Dweck
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown